Your first Time Here

What you can expect during your first visit to the Pella UMC:

When You Arrive..

Come on in. You'll be greeted and given a bulletin, detailing the order of the morning's worship service. Sit anywhere you'd like. Feel free to chat before our service begins and join us for fellowship afterwards. 

The Opportunity to Meet Others...

We take a moment during the service to great those around us.  Feel free to get out of your seat and introduce yourself.

We don't draw attention to our guests during the service by asking them to stand up because we feel it's important for people to meet others at their own pace.

For The Kids...

The Church offers "Busy Bags" which hang on the back wall of the church.  These offer great activities (coloring, puzzles, etc.) for those children who need to stay busy yet quiet during church service. 

Our "Buddies" program begins after the children's worship part of our service.  Children ages 3-5 may attend this class.  A lesson is provided each week, along with songs and activities.

The Church Service...

Our Pastor will come to the front at 10:00 a.m., welcome the congregation, and give announcements.  We use a good mix of traditional hymns and newer songs that praise God, inspire us, and teach us because we believe that both styles have their advantages. A large screen and hymnals are available.

We offer a time of praying out loud in unison and sharing things in our lives with the people around us so that we may thank God and ask for His help.

The Pastor will invite the kids to come to the front of the church for a few minutes for a short teaching moment and a prayer.

The Pastor also gives a more complete sermon for the adults and older kids. His sermons are designed to encourage, inspire and challenge you in your faith, but it is also common to hear laughter during the teaching.

After the sermon, we have an opportunity to give our gifts to God, because God has already given us so much. 

Following worship there is often a time of fellowship; a few small treats and beverages are often served by members.  This is a time to get to know each other so please join in, especially if it is your first time at worship!